You Can Win in Life: The two battles you face when fighting against abuse

You Can Win in Life: The two battles you face when fighting against abuse

Abuse, at the core of it, is about control. When you fight against abuse, you are getting away from the control that is imposed on you and your life.  Abusers do not like that.  They do not want to give up the control that easily.  So they will deploy different dirty tactics and warfare against you.  It could be by physical force, or by badmouthing about you to your family, friends, and work colleagues, or by creating false allegations against you in court.

When you are dealing with abuse, it is important to recognize that you are fighting two battles at the same time: the literal external one where you have to deal with the attack and the internal one where you have to stay strong mentally. 

The internal battle is an important one.  The abusers want you to fail, to suffer, to break down, to be hurt emotionally.  This is their ultimate goal.  Fortunately, you and you alone have the power to control the internal battle.  You have the power to decide if they will.  Don’t let them win.  Recognize that they want to break you down and refuse to give in to it.  Have the conviction within yourself and take control.  Know that you have the power to win the internal battle, and win it, so you can have the strength to focus on fighting the external battle. You got this!

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